Monday, July 7, 2008

More Pics

A Note from Ingrid about last week:

Last week was probably the most out of my comfort-zone I have ever been. The students at the high school decided that it would be a good idea to feed me during lunch(literally) and we got made fun of a lot, I'm not entirely sure for what reasons, but at least they were entertained. We also had a major GIANT-Spider problem, they pretty much were trying to eat us the entire time, I saw the light flash before my eyes quite a few times, but I achieved in killing my first spider. However, through this last week I learned more about Rwandan Culture than I have the entire time here. Rwandans are more comfortable around each other and being close to ones they don't know. They also have very different ideas when it comes to family and relationships than we do. I learned a lot, however I was quite relieved to get back to Kigali.

1 comment:

Trent & Erin said...

I totally understand how terrifying spiders are and how real your fear was! Good job killing your first spider...a whole new worls awaits you once you can kill spiders.
I'm glad that you all got to stretch in your "comfort zones". I'm looking forward to hearing about it from all of you on facebook!-)